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An Intuitive and a Compassionate Facilitator
It's immensely important to me to bring light to this world by creating space for folks to connect with themselves--their intuition--their own answers, and to honor and acknowledge their profound significance. I am passionate about living everyday life while curiously aware that there is more to existence than that which we understand and continuously consciously perceive, that there is meaning to our existence, and that love is at the core of what is important.
I am an intuitive, a medium, and a compassionate facilitator. I am able to feel what is happening energetically with people, places, and situations. When working with a client, I feel into what is happening for that person energetically and clearly explain the information I am receiving while holding compassionate space for the client to take it all in. I offer intuitive readings and intuitive mentorship.
I've been sensitive to energy since I was a very young, but didn't consciously realize this until I was in my twenties. I really began experiencing connecting with spirit when I was a teenager--a few years after my mother died. As an adult, my ability to connect has really soared exponentially.
In addition to my natural intuitive capabilities, I've studied with Psychic Horizons, have taken mediumship workshops, and have been giving intuitive readings for years. I’ve developed a thorough and rich background—enabling me to give truly profound readings that get to the core of what is happening for folks and help them deeply on their life journey.
In addition to being an intuitive, I am a professional visual artist, educator, and creative mentor, working with a variety of populations--children, adults, and folks who experience developmental disabilities--teaching visual art and facilitating empowerment workshops which use art as a vehicle. Earning my Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Inquiry, Interdisciplinary Arts at the California Institute of Integral Studies provided me time, space, and resources to delve deeply into my own truth, perspective, intuition, and process, both as an individual and as an artist. It gave me a range of opportunities to connect with my intuition through art-making as well as to experience healing through the vehicle of art--all of which inform my work.
I offer intuitive readings and mentorship because we all deserve the opportunity to honor ourselves and our experience—to live from our core—our truth, and we deserve to simply be from a place of truly understanding what is right for our unique selves. We deserve to feel comfort, peace, and solace. We deserve to know that we belong here, that we are important, that we are loved. I believe that when we are able to connect with ourselves--our souls--it is easier to relax into these realities. I offer intuitive readings and mentorship in order to help folks to find clarity, connect with their own answers, and deeply know the rightness of their soul.
I absolutely love connecting with my intuition and helping others to connect with theirs because it is truly a path to healing--among other things. Self-connection is instrumental in finding clarity and it's also a monumental catalyst for learning and self-discovery. It means so much to me to be able to assist others in this process. I have gone through many extreme challenges and have learned a great deal from these challenges. These experiences have given me multiple opportunities to learn who I am on a deeper level and countless circumstances in which to practice connecting with myself--my soul--my intuition, and to spirit--all of which have helped me tremendously. I've discovered how to navigate this thing called life by feeling my way from my core—from what is real and true and right for myself. Through this work, I’ve healed, learned, and grown so much.
I am called to help people to discover, re-discover, and uncover their profound significance, worthiness, empowerment, and innate creativity as well as help folks to access more joy, peace, vitality, and to cultivate self compassion (and therefore compassion for others) from a place of truth and power. We are each significant beyond measure and though it can be hard for us to believe this at times, it's real. I'm passionate about helping folks to experience beauty and love--though I know that these aspects are not always obvious--particularly in this day and age--and yet, they truly exist all around us. None of this means discounting pain. In fact, it means acknowledging it and honoring it as well as seeing the beauty.
Intuition is something that we all have. It's our ability to connect with what we feel and what we know in our gut/ our heart/ our soul.
Intuition is such an amazingly powerful tool. It helps us to become aware of what we already know. It helps us to feel what is truly right for ourselves. It keeps us on the path that is in alignment with our highest well-being. Being in touch with our intuition can be hard in our culture because we are often taught to steer away from what feels right to us on a deep level.
Life brings beauty. It also brings challenge, joy, and everything in between—though it is even much more vast than this. Existing is multi-dimensional, meaning; our experience doesn’t even just fit in the boxes of “joy,” “challenge,” and “everything in between.” What we learn, witness, feel, and go through is so complex, layered, and profound, sometimes words can’t capture it. Sometimes our logical minds can’t quite get a firm grip on exactly what we are experiencing. Often what we need in order to find clarity, peace, and an understanding of what is happening in and around us is to be able to connect with ourselves—our intuition. We need to be able to connect with what we feel and what feels right. This is the opposite of analyzing.